Why We Need Concrete Use Cases for Successful AI Regulation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulations are currently a hot topic across industries. More so following the EU’s recent release of its updated AI regulation plans aimed at the Union’s single market. While it is easy to find yourself falling into one of the following AI regulation “camps”, it is unfortunate that the conversation has polarized to either “we are already massively over-regulating” or “we should’ve introduced new AI regulations yesterday”.
They Write the Right Stuff (2021)
The right stuff kicks in at T-minus 0 seconds. As the 120-ton space shuttle sits surrounded by almost 4 million pounds of rocket fuel, exhaling noxious fumes, visibly impatient to defy gravity, its on-board computers take command.
What Makes Building Safe AI So Hard?
Creating a traditional computer program involves a fixed sequence of steps. First, we need to understand the problem and translate it into formal logic. Then, we implement that in code. Often surprisingly, the implementation of a program’s logic is comparatively easy.
Seeing the forest for the trees: A more disciplined approach for AI
Data-driven decision-making systems in production today exhibit serious conceptual flaws. Deployed as part of high-stakes applications, they not only risk to compromise individual safety and a company’s financial performance but threaten economic and political stability at scale.
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